
Well-Organised essay for IELTS Writing.

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 Conservation of Energy in our Daily Life
Energy is the fourth most fundamental need of human being in the modern world. Electricity and other types of energy are an enormous part of our routine lives. In fact, from the time the alarm clock rings early in the morning until we turn in late at night, we entrust on various sources of energy to help us cook our meals, heat and cool our homes, light our way, and keep us informed and entertained. All this is achieved at the cost of some kind of degradation of our environment. Therefore to sustain the need of the present and future generations, we need to take strong actions to preserve all the sources of energy. There are several ways by which we can strengthen our efforts i.e. Reduce, reuse, recycle, Use natural sources of energy, Use appliances efficiently, Smart cooking, and Monitor your electric and fueling needs. Our societies should adopt the above mentioned techniques in their routine life to support our mother nature in preservation of our planet earth.
The three R’s of the Environment: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are one of the most important aspect of saving energy across the globe. According to US waste management census, every year, Americans throw away 50 billion food and drink cans, 27 billion glass bottles and jars, and 65 million plastic and metal jar and can covers. More than 30% of our waste is packaging materials. Where does it all go? Some 85% of our garbage is sent to a dump, or landfill, where it can take from 100 to 400 years for things like cloth and aluminum to decompose. Glass has been found in perfect condition after 4,000 years in the earth. To tackle the hazards of plastic and glass waste every family should adopt and learn the three R's of the environment. Reuse of plastic bags, recycling of glass and electrical waste, and reducing the amount of waste you produce is the best way to secure energy.
The Future of our energy sources that we are using now is blurred and unpredictable as most of the energy sources used at present are non-renewable and would last only for 100 more years. It is the appropriate time to look for the most affordable and efficient source of energy. The only way to tackle the energy crisis that will occur in future is to find a renewable alternative source. A source that can last forever and at the same time does not promote or causes the depletion of our environment or give rise to pollution. According to United Nations, The most convenient among all the other renewable sources is the solar energy. This energy generated from the heat of the sun is the one the purest form of energy we can use in our daily life. At present it is expensive to operate the solar energy in the most of the world but to safeguard our future generation, we need to take strong steps to promote this energy of the future.  Abdul Kalam said that “It’s better to have a Solar spill than an Oil spill in the oceans that will harm the Oceans”. Nature has given the greatest gift to humanity in the form of the sun which should be utilized to create a brighter future for our generations to come.
The major appliances in your home - refrigerators, clothes washers, dishwashers, etc account for a huge amount of your monthly electricity utility bill. And if refrigerators or washing machines are more than a decade old, it sucks a lot more energy than the modern efficiency rich appliances. Therefore try to replace the old electrical devices in your house with the energy decisive devices. It will not only lead to retaining of electricity but also decreases the amount of money wasted each year on the maintenance and electric bills. It is not only about having the right product but how you use appliances in your home can make a big difference. For example washing your clothes with cold water can save up to 10 times more energy than a warm wash. Participate in various energy saving programs happening around you to ensure that you obtain the right knowledge of energy saving and money too.
A large amount of energy is wasted every day while cooking. It is necessary that the amount of resources wasted in the kitchen are reduced by performing smart moves. An example for smart cooking is keeping a stove and microwave clean can help with efficiency. When burner pans fill up with food waste, this absorbs heat and reduces burner efficiency. If they’re shiny, they reflect the heat back up to the pan. Microwaves work best when there are no food particles inside. It is utmost meaningful to keep an eye on energy use in cooking as more than 30% of our energy is utilized in this area of our house.
It is said that “We can take strong actions against any problem in our life if we have enough knowledge about it”. In the same way, we can save energy in our house and other places if we know our need and utilization capacity. Monitoring our energy needs will help us to decide the amount we actually use and waste. According to the University of Cambridge research on Energy needs of a family, measuring your home’s energy consumption is the first step toward finding ways to decrease it. An average family spends 20% of their income on unfruitful tasks which can be reduced if they had adequate knowledge and figures to track their needs. Use of electrical tracking systems is also recommended by the experts.
By now, we all have the basic knowledge of energy conservation in our routine life. It is to be noted that the solution to the biggest problem of humans is right under our noses and implementation of: Reduce, reuse, recycle, Use natural sources of energy, efficient use appliances, smart cooking and kitchens, and Monitoring your electric and fueling needs are the simplest and most efficient ways to save energy. Luckily, we have enough time to act immediately for a smarter and greener planet. We should always remember that “Nature is a gift to be taken care of and the future is ours, but we need energy to get there”.

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